Since 1993

A Message From Our Audiologist

Hello, I'm Trude Reiser, Licensed Audiologist and founder of Children & Family Hearing Associates. I want to personally welcome you to
To ensure you have the information you need and deserve, I have created this website as a learning resource for you. Children and Family Hearing Associates offers comprehensive hearing evaluations for all ages, including newborns. To receive maximum benefit from your visit today, start by watching our Award-Winning educational video on hearing loss and the most recent advancements in hearing aid technology. It is full of 3-D animations and high definition videos, so you won't be disappointed!

Peoria's Most Experienced Audiologist

Since 1993

After watching the video, download and review a free copy of our Guide to Better Hearing. There you will find information about signs of hearing loss, types of hearing loss and how hearing loss can be helped. Then, schedule an appointment with us at (309) 686-7250 to discuss your unique hearing needs and find a solution that meets your budget.